Tanu Weapons of Legend



Its name translating from Tanu as "Fist of Faith", Feydefensor is an impressive sight. The sword is forged of a silver-mithril alloy by the God of Doom and a Githyanki antipaladin, a massive two-handed sword with a four-and-a-half foot blade, silver crossguard in the shape of the doom god's symbol, and a leather-wrapped grip of dragon bone. A sphere of black glass adorns the pommel. It has the following powers:

* Feydefensor is a +6 Unholy Reaver, with 50% MR and the ability to dispel magic, with a +10 damage bonus against Chaotic Good creatures. Its purpose is to slay Knights {see below}.

* Acts as a Githyanki silver sword, with the powers of a +3 Vorpal weapon {severs on 18-20}, and the ability to sever Astral silver cords.

* Provides complete immunity to heat and fire. The weapon itself, its metal folded in volcanic heat by Stormbreaker, is indestructible {see below}.

* Once per day the sword can cast any one fire-based mage spell of any level the wielder commands {use wielder's level for determination of spell effects}.

* Feydefensor is intelligent, with Int15 and Ego17. He will add his psionic points {25/25 total} to his wielder's, or utilize them for his sole psionic discipline, Molecular Manipulation. However, he is an arrogant sword, and will likely require a strong command or much praise to activate this power. {Reaction roll}

* Feydefensor does a base 3d12 + 3 damage without bonuses. However, if it is used to slay fighters in single combat, whose hit dice are greater than double its wielder's level, or cavaliers of equal level, or paladins equal to half this number, it becomes a doubling weapon, and his wielder rolls on a doubling dice to determine damage, for a maximum of 10 rounds that day. Note that, due to its ego, Feydefensor is 75% likely to activate this power {when available} on its own if confronted with another cavalier, and 100% likely if engaging a paladin.

**NOTE: Feydefensor was destroyed, broken in combat against the soul-eating blade Stormbringer, during the escape of the Dreadknight Vulkaran and his resurrection of Elric of Melnibone. It's breaking saved the life of its wielder Kane, who would later slay Elric and put an end to Vulkaran, and recapture the stolen Star of Morning spelljamming battlestation. It later became The-Sword-That-Was-Reborn, Daufeyar.



This mighty hammer is adorned with a silver-mithril head shaped as a winged skull, mouth open in a battle cry, with its teeth and wing-tips projecting out as deadly spikes. The haft is a broken Staff of the Magi wrapped in mage's skin. Its name translates as "Fangs of Faith", and it possesses these powers:

* Feynashar is equal to a +4 Unholy weapon of Mage-slaying, doing double damage to any magic-user not of the Doomgiver faith.

* Grants the wielder +50% MR.

* Feynashar was forged by Andraxas, its metal folded with Stormbreaker, twin to Mjolnir. The weapon itself is immune to heat, and is indestructible.

* Any electrical attacks aimed within thirty feet of the wielder will change course and arc to the head of the hammer, being absorbed without effect.

* Once per day, the wielder can spin the hammer above his head, causing the weapon to shriek loudly and cause all foes in a 30' radius to save vs. fear or flee in panic. As his next attack, the wielder can strike the ground causing a concussion, doing damage to all who remained in 30' equal to Feynashar's Ego points {15 hps}.

* The hammer is intelligent, with Int 15 and Ego 15, and will add its psionic points {20/20 total} to its wielder's, or use them to activate its sole psionic discipline, Energy Control.

However, Feynashar is an arrogant weapon, and will likely request that the wielder single out and slay an opposing mage as an incentive to do this.

* Feynashar does a base 3d10 + 5 without bonuses. Due to its purpose, if it is used to slay, in single combat, any mages with total hit dice equal to its wielder's, or multiclassed mages of double this amount, the hammer becomes a doubling weapon, and his wielder rolls a doubling dice to determine damage for a total of 10 rounds that day. The hammer is 80% likely to activate this power of its own accord if then confronted by another mage.

* It can be hurled to a maximum range of 100' and will return, but this is the only action the wielder may take that round. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


This is a massive two-handed mace, with a silver-mithril head composed of four out-facing skulls, their wings tapering upward into wicked barbs. Its haft is made of the thigh bones of four priests of opposing faiths wrapped in cleric skin, with a Bead of Karma at the tip. Its name translates as "Heart of Faith", and it possesses these powers:

* Feyantar is equal to a +5 Unholy Cleric Slayer, doing double damage to any cleric opponent.

* Grants its wielder +50% MR.

* Acts as a Bead of Karma, granting the wielder +4 levels for the effects of his spells and turning ability.

* Feyantar's metal was folded by Stormbreaker, and it is indestructible. It bestows immunity to heat and fire on its wielder.

* Once per day, Feyantar can cast one cleric spell of any level that its wielder desires, at his level of casting. If it is a fire-based spell, damage or area effect is doubled.

* Feyantar will defend its wielder against severing weapons, twisting to intercept any successful severing or vorpal strikes, negating that attack with no damage.

Feyantar is intelligent, with Int 16 and Ego 18. It possesses 30/30 psionic points, which it can share with its wielder or use for its sole psionic grand art, Amplification. However, Feyantar is an arrogant weapon, and will prefer to slay opposing clerics first rather than attack psionically. * Feyantar does a base 2d12 damage as a Wounding weapon {i.e. cannot be healed by magic}. Once per day, it will act as a javelin of piercing with a range of 8".



Its named translated from Tanu as "Faith Rises", this sword is composed of the re-forged halves of Feydefensor, smelted down and remade by Andraxas and Otar, using the hammer Stormbreaker and the magical forges in Mount Vormidurth. The Sword-That-Was-Reborn is a four-foot bastard sword of smoke blackened mithril, with a ruby-glass grip and quillions which resemble a winged skull. Flame-shaped teeth jut out from the base of the blade.

* Daufeyar is a +6 Unholy Reaver, with +50% MR and the ability to dispel magic in a 10' radius about the wielder. Its purpose is to slay paragons of opposing faiths {see below}.

* Daufeyar's metal was folded by Stormbreaker, and is indestructible; it confers immunity to heat on its wielder.

* Daufeyar acts as a +4 Heartseeker: on a roll of 17+, the sword pierces the heart of the target. If the target has no heart, the first such strike does double damage; subsequent critical hits will target the brain first, then the eyes.

* The sword does a base 3d12 damage, before bonuses. However, if it is used to slay, in single combat, clerics or paladins {paragons} of opposing faiths, whose combined hit dice are greater than double its wielder's level, Daufeyar becomes a doubling weapon, and his wielder rolls on a doubling dice to determine damage, for a maximum of 10 rounds that day. Note that, due to its ego, Daufeyar is 75% likely to activate this power {when available} on its own if confronted with another paladin.

* Once per day the sword can cast any one fire-based mage spell of any level the wielder commands {use wielder's level for determination of spell effects}.

* Daufeyar is intelligent, with Int12 and Ego17. He will add his psionic points {29/29 total} to his wielder's, or utilize them for his sole psionic discipline, the Tanu discipline Creation. However, he is an arrogant sword, and will likely require a strong command or much praise to activate this power. {Reaction roll}

* Daufeyar can cast two Heal spells per day; one must be on the wielder, the other must be upon another being.





Originally constructed for the giants of Asgard by the Midgardian dwarves Brokkir and Dwalin, Aesirhammar is a mithril-steel warhammer with a head four feet across and a six-foot handle. Both are elaborately carved with scenes of broken skulls among flowering ivy, and the grip is wrapped in the hide of a type II demon and trimmed in mastodon fur. It weights 5000 GPs.

Due to its unwieldiness, non-giants can only swing the hammer once per round in melee, and hurling requires a one-round `wind up'. Wielders under 12' in height attack at -2. If hurled, it will return to its wielder in the same round.

* Aesirhammar is a +4 warhammer, but can only be wielded by those possessing a strength of 23 or higher. Its damage is based on user strength: damage is 8d4+4 at 23 str. with a hurling range of 180 yards at +5 to hit; damage is 10d4+4 at 24 str with a hurling range of 210 yards at +6 to hit; for every str point above 24, the hammer adds 2d4 dam. and +1 to hit and +30 yards range.

* Aesirhammar acts as a Rod of Absorption, able to absorb 50 spell levels cast at its wielder. This occurs instantly, without concentration, but will not happen while this stored-up energy is being used.

* Upon uttering the command word "Vengeance", the hammar glows with power for three rounds; if it strikes an opponent during this time, the victim suffers the effects of a symbol of stunning. This power may be used three times a day.

* Aesirhammar acts as a +3 ring of protection.

* The hammar can be made to shrink down to hand-axe size and weight for easy transport at the command word "Brokkir". The hammar retains its +4 and damage in this size, but loses its spell powers and hurling abilities & bonuses. The word "Hargnar" returns it to normal size.

* Due to the Dwarves' treachery, the hammar is cursed: any non-dwarf who touches it {no save} is cursed to either befriend {50%} or attack {50%} the next dwarf he sees. Befriended dwarves will be gifted with all the being's items and treasure except the hammar. Attacks are made as a berserker {+2 to-hit & damage , -4 to AC & saves}. Note that either state will last for 1 turn, after which the opposite state will occur, and so on. This curse continues even if the hammar is lost, as only a wish spell can lift it.


Staff of Oblivion

This black oaken staff is equal to a +5 Quarterstaff, but does a base of d10 damage. It is able to absorb charges as a Staff of the Magi, with a maximum of 50 charges. It has the following powers:


Erase 1 charge

Knock -1

Dismissal -2

Banishment -3

Sequester -3

Imprisonment -4

Mordenk.'s Disjunction -4

Unbinding -5

Additionally, at a cost of 6 charges, the staff will emit a Ray of Oblivion - the target loses d30+10 points of magic resistance, and if this drains more MR points than it possesses, the target loses one hp for each extra point drained. If the target has no MR to begin with, it is given a save of 16 to avoid damage, plus bonuses.

Spheres of Annihilation will not approach within 10' of the wielder.

Gives wielder +25% Magic Resistance.